Distinguishable consequence of classical gravity on quantum matter
S. Kryhin, V. Sudhir
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
A Generalized Schawlow-Townes Limit
H. A. Loughlin, V. Sudhir
Quantum linear time-translation-invariant systems: Conjugate symplectic structure, uncertainty bounds, and tomography
J. Ding, H. A. Loughlin, V. Sudhir
Temperature stabilization of a lab space at 10mK-level over a day
D. Fife, D.-C. Shin, V. Sudhir
Review of Scientific Instruments [arXiv]
Laser cooling a centimeter-scale torsion pendulum
D.-C. Shin, T. M. Hayward, D. Fife, R. Menon, V. Sudhir
Causal state estimation and Heisenberg uncertainty principle
J. Chen, B. B. Lane, S. Direkci, D. Ganapathy, X. Yin, N. Mavalvala, Y. Chen, V. Sudhir
Physical Review A [arXiv]
Exceptional-Point Sensors Offer No Fundamental Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement
H. Loughlin and V. Sudhir
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
Scheme for continuous force detection with a single electron at the 10-27 N level
D. Ďurovčíková, V. Sudhir
Quantum noise and its evasion in feedback oscillators
H. A. Loughlin, V. Sudhir
Nature Communications [arXiv]
Press coverage: Tech Explorist, MIT News
Unification of thermal and quantum noise in gravitational-wave detectors
C. Whittle, L. McCuller, V. Sudhir, M. Evans
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
Theory of phase-adaptive parametric cooling
A. Ghosh, P. Kumar, F. Jimenez, V. Sudhir, C. Genes
Physical Review A [arXiv]
Thermorefringent noise in crystalline optical materials
S. Kryhin, E.D. Hall, V. Sudhir
Physical Review D [arXiv]
Limits and prospects for long-baseline optical fiber interferometry
C. Hilweg, D. Shadmany, P. Walther, N. Mavalvala, V. Sudhir
Optica [arXiv]
Quantum theory of feedback cooling of an anelastic macro-mechanical oscillator
K. Komori, D. Ďurovčíková, V. Sudhir
Physical Review A [arXiv]
Acceleration-induced effects in stimulated light-matter interactions
B. Šoda, V. Sudhir, A. Kempf
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
Press coverage: Scientific American, MIT News
Snowmass White Paper: Precision Studies of Spacetime Symmetries and Gravitational Physics
E. Adelberger, D. Budker, R. Folman, A.A. Geraci, J.T. Harke, D.M. Kaplan, R. Lehnert, D. Moore, G.W. Morley, A. Palladino, T.J. Phillips, G.M. Piacentino, W.M. Snow, V. Sudhir
Approaching the motional ground state of a 10 kg object
C. Whittle, E.D. Hall, S. Dwyer, N. Mavalvala, V. Sudhir, (LIGO Instrument Science group)
Science [arXiv]
Selection of press coverage: Physics World, Nature India, Optics & Photonics News, Science, MIT News, The Conversation, New Scientist, Gizmodo
Unruh effect of detectors with quantized center of mass
V. Sudhir, N. Stritzelberger, A. Kempf
Physical Review D [arXiv]
Bell correlations between light and vibration at ambient conditions
S.T. Velez, V. Sudhir, N. Sangouard, C. Galland
Science Advances [arXiv]
Attonewton-meter torque sensing with a macroscopic optomechanical torsion pendulum
K. Komori, Y. Enomoto, C.P. Ooi, Y. Miyazaki, N. Matsumoto, V. Sudhir, Y. Michimura, M. Ando
Physical Review A
Preparation and Decay of a Single Quantum of Vibration at Ambient Conditions
S.T. Velez, K. Seibold, N. Kipfer, M.D. Anderson, V. Sudhir, C. Galland
Physical Review X [arXiv]
Sub-hertz optomechanically induced transparency with a kilogram-scale mechanical oscillator
T. Bodiya, V. Sudhir, C. Wipf, N. Smith, A. Buikema, A. Kontos, H. Yu, N. Mavalvala
Physical Review A
Evidence for structural damping in a high-stress silicon nitride nanobeam and its implications for quantum optomechanics
S.A. Fedorov, V. Sudhir, R. Schilling, H. Schütz, D.J. Wilson, T.J. Kippenberg
Physics Letters A, Special Issue in memory of Professor V.B. Braginsky [arXiv]
Relativistic coupling of phase and amplitude noise in optical interferometry
V. Sudhir, P. Fritschel, N. Mavalvala
Optics Letters [arXiv]
Quantum Limits on Measurement and Control of a Mechanical Oscillator
V. Sudhir
Quantum Correlations of Light from a Room-Temperature Mechanical Oscillator
V. Sudhir, R. Schilling, S.A. Fedorov, H. Schütz, D.J. Wilson, T.J. Kippenberg
Physical Review X [arXiv]
Appearance and Disappearance of Quantum Correlations in Measurement-Based Feedback Control of a Mechanical Oscillator
V. Sudhir, D.J. Wilson, R. Schilling, H. Schütz, S.A. Fedorov, A.H. Ghadimi, A. Nunnenkamp, T.J. Kippenberg
Physical Review X [arXiv]
Near-Field Integration of a SiN Nanobeam and a SiO2 Microcavity for Heisenberg-Limited Displacement Sensing
R. Schilling, H. Schütz, A.H. Ghadimi, V. Sudhir, D.J. Wilson, T.J. Kippenberg
Physical Review Applied
A strongly coupled Λ-type micromechanical system
H. Okamoto, R. Schilling, H. Schütz, V. Sudhir, D.J. Wilson, H. Yamaguchi, T.J. Kippenberg
Applied Physics Letters [arXiv]
Measurement-based control of a mechanical oscillator at its thermal decoherence rate
D.J. Wilson, V. Sudhir, N. Piro, R. Schilling, A. Ghadimi, T.J. Kippenberg
Nature [arXiv]
Quantum-Limited Amplification and Parametric Instability in the Reversed Dissipation Regime of Cavity Optomechanics
A. Nunnenkamp, V. Sudhir, A.K. Feofanov, A. Roulet, T.J. Kippenberg
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
Nonlinear Quantum Optomechanics via Individual Intrinsic Two-Level Defects
T. Ramos, V. Sudhir, K. Stannigel, P. Zoller, T.J. Kippenberg
Physical Review Letters [arXiv]
Phase properties of operator valued measures in phase space
T. Subeesh, V. Sudhir
Journal of Modern Optics
Critical behavior in ultrastrong-coupled oscillators
V. Sudhir, M.G. Genoni, J. Lee, M.S. Kim
Physical Review A
Effect of Squeezing on the Atomic and the Entanglement Dynamics in the Jaynes-Cummings Model
T. Subeesh, V. Sudhir, A.B.M. Ahmed, M.V. Satyanarayana
Scattering of Electrons by Multi-Walled Cylindrical Potentials
V. Sudhir, P.C. Deshmukh
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience