Meet our team

Vivishek Sudhir
Assistant Professor
Administrative Assistant: Galia Stoyanova | email
Theoretical physicists think I’m an experimentalist, while experimentalists think I’m a theorist. I try to do experiments when theory suggests that it’s time to ask nature a question.
The kinds of questions that interest me are at the interface of fundamental physics (“Is gravity quantum?”), precision measurements (“What are the physical limits to measuring displacements and forces?”), and quantum control (“How can quantum systems be made to follow a desired trajectory despite the uncertainty principle?”). These interests may have been tempered by an early predilection for physics after reading ‘A Brief History of Time’ in high school, a subsequent education in electrical engineering, then theoretical quantum optics, and a PhD in quantum measurements and control. I also maintain strong ties with the MIT LIGO Laboratory, where I worked as a postdoc.
It is my firm belief that to do beautiful science, one has to be sensitive to beauty in other spheres of activity; oil painting used to be the primary instrument to explore that, but these days, large format photography takes its place. When the sun is out, I’m also an avid cyclist.

I am a PhD candidate in the MIT department of Mechanical Engineering.
My research centers around the use of cavity optomechanics to measure the effects of quantum gravity. My work primarily concerns the isolation of the mirrors from external noise.
Before I was at MIT, I was at the Georgia Institute of Technology where I did my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. My undergraduate research was at the Micromachined Sensors and Transducers (MiST) lab where I worked on acousto-optic sensors for interventional MRI.
Outside of research, I enjoy learning how to cook new cuisines and making combat robots.

Google Scholar profile | email
I am a PhD candidate in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.
My research focuses on the use of precision measurements to experimentally access quantum gravity regime. Currently, I am working on enhancing the sensitivity of angular motion readout toward measurement-based feedback cooling of macroscopic torsional oscillators.
Before coming to MIT, I received B.E. and M.E. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Tokyo Tech and the University of Tokyo, respectively. Then, I completed my military duty at KAIST as a research associate. My previous research centered around ultrafast lasers, frequency combs, and microengineering.
Outside of research, I enjoy playing sports and cooking.

I’m a PhD candidate in MIT’s physics department, where I work on quantum optics and precision metrology. I’m interested in studying quantum and classical limits to precision measurements and in designing experiments to reach these fundamental limits in devices such as interferometers, lasers, and angle sensors. Often, reaching the classical limit or “standard quantum limit” requires considerable precision engineering. Exceeding the standard quantum limit requires engineering the devices’ underlying quantum state by using “squeezed light” or other techniques. This research naturally incorporates the theory of quantum noise and stochastic systems with carefully classical and quantum engineered experiments to reach these quantum bounds.
Prior to MIT, I received an AB in physics from Princeton University, where I completed a senior thesis titled “Quantum exceptional points in circuit quantum electrodynamics” under the supervision of Profs. Houck and Rodriguez. I also researched quantum dots with Prof. Petta and atomic magnetometry with Prof. Romalis. Over the summers, I worked in NASA GSFC’s gravitational astrophysics lab researching the noise performance of precision optics and electronics for the LISA space-based gravitational wave detector. I also spent one summer studying squeezed light generation with rubidium vapor cells at MITRE. Between Princeton and MIT, I worked as a quantitative researcher and trader at DC Energy for several years, where I researched financial transmission rights market dynamics and developed algorithmic trading strategies.

I am an undergraduate student in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.
My contributions to the Quantum and Precision Measurements Group involve assisting with the construction of optical experiments by which more senior researchers investigate quantum gravity.
Before MIT, I won first-place awards for my engineering and materials science projects at the International Science and Engineering Fair. I’ve always valued my engineering projects and I’m very grateful to be able to continue them at MIT and with the QPMG.

I am an undergraduate in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.
My research focuses on the characterization and isolation of seismic noise from an experiment measuring the effects of quantum gravity. Depending on the nature of seismic activity in the lab, my work will focus on developing an appropriate control mechanism to isolate noise.
Prior to MIT, I’ve served in various leadership positions relating to student government and my local NJROTC Unit. Engineering is a longstanding passion of mine, and I’m extremely excited to continue to hone my skills with the QPMG.
Outside of research, I spend my time listening to music and making art.

I am an undergraduate student in the MIT Department of Physics.
My research focuses on isolating extraneous laser tilt noises and enhancing laser stability, assisting the senior researchers with their projects.
Before MIT, I conducted physics research on thermal conductivity of different types of culinary ingredients through solving the heat transfer equation. And I’ve also found my interest in astronomy through observational research to perform lightcurve analysis. I’m excited to continue my research journey here at QPMG.
Outside of research, I enjoy playing squash, watching soccer, and cooking with my friends.
Past members

Current position: Harvard Physics PhD student

Current position: MIT Cosmic Dawn Group

Current Position: